"She's about to begin her "Sticky and Sweet" world tour, but Madonna doesn't want you to forget her documentary "I Am Because We Are" which debuted at the Cannes film festival. It's not in theaters yet, but Madonna thinks the focus on the suffering of children in Africa is critically important. She says making the film opened her eyes.
"I went there and I experienced what was going on first hand and I just got sucked into the whole thing. And thank god, I did. I met some amazing people there and hopefully I've changed the lives of a lot of children there and I think it's been an incredible growing – learning experience for me. And, well, yeah, that's how I met my son, David, and if I could, I would have adopted ten more children. There's just so many that need parents and there's ones more beautiful and lovely than the next." One thing is sure, Madonna isn't going to let you forget."
Damn! And I thought she hit the jack pot with this one!